4 Easy-to-Grow Culinary Herbs Ideal for Beginners
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If you love the taste of fresh herbs in your meal, then growing herbs is for you. What's even sweeter is that it's good for your wallet too.
Now, if you don't know what culinary herbs mean, keep reading.

What are culinary herbs?
Culinary herbs are plants used to flavor food and some for medicinal use. You can use these plants in salads and for cooking.
Usually, depending on the plant, the part of the herb plant that might be used is the flowers, leaves, seeds, and bulbs.
The truth is that enjoying fresh culinary herbs in your favorite dishes is the best thing ever.
But the reality is that purchasing fresh herbs can add up and might be expensive if you buy them at your local grocery store.
What happens if your favorite herb is not in season?
Would you settle for dry herbs instead?
The good news is that you don't have to settle for the dry counterparts of your favorite herbs.
The solution is simple, grow them.
And if you are going to come up with the excuse that you don't have the space to grow culinary herbs, I will tell you that you are wrong.
You see, you don't need tons of space to grow herbs.
What's even better is that you can grow your fresh herbs all year long!
You don't have to grow a full-scale garden. You don't have to be a gardener either!
Growing your culinary herbs doesn't require any of these things, and if you want to get the most out of your money, then the perfect solution is to grow your favorite herbs.
Today, you will learn how to grow four easy-to-use and versatile herbs that will make your favorite meal taste so delicious and help you save money.
You will learn how to select a versatile option that will combine with a diverse selection of recipes!
But before we begin, let's talk about what we use to help us grow our favorite culinary herbs inside, shall we?
For quite some time, I have been a big fan of AeroGardens, and all year round, we grow our favorite herbs indoors.
We also use mason jars to grow our sweet basil year-round too!
Honestly, it doesn't require much work, and having these herbs accessible helps us save money.
OK, back to these four easy-to-grow and versatile herbs I want you to grow today.
The following list of easy-to-grow culinary herbs can help you get started.

Cilantro is one of my favorite herbs to grow in our home year-round. You see, with our Latin recipes, cilantro is one of the critical staples when we cook.
When we make either basic sofrito or Puerto Rican sofrito, cilantro is one of the ingredients.
Growing this herb should be a priority if Mexican cuisine is a favorite! Fresh cilantro to your favorite Mexican salsa, and you can also add them to your favorite green salad recipe.
Check out these gardening posts:
- 4 Vegetable Gardening Tips For Beginner Gardeners
- Home Gardening For Beginners
- 6 Indoor Gardening Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid
Do you marinate your meat? Then cilantro will be good to grow and add to your favorite marinaded recipe.
How to grow cilantro?
You can use grow cilantro by purchasing seeds from your favorite store. Seeds are not even that expensive, and you can also find them at your local dollar store.
When the plant is growing, you can extend the life of your Cilantro plant by plucking down and keeping it in a cooler area.
No matter what, the plant will eventually “bolt” to a form of lacy flowers that create seeds. You can then harvest these seeds, and you can lightly toast them.
This coriander is more mellow in flavor than its fresh counterpart and an excellent complement to other recipes.

Basil is a prevalent herb and one that is so versatile and super easy to grow. Seriously, anyone can grow basil. ANYONE!
How to Grow Basil Indoors
All you need is a small pot and a location with a lot of lights, like a sunny windowsill.
Like I mentioned before, we grow basil year-round, and it is not hard to grow at all.
During gardening season, pairing a fresh juicy tomato with fresh mozzarella and freshly picked basil is the most fantastic thing you can eat.
Use your favorite balsamic dressing, extra virgin oil, and salt and pepper, and you got yourself a delicious entrée.
Check out these mouthwatering basil and fresh tomato recipes:
You can also create delicious and fresh pesto recipes as well. You can find delightful pesto recipes below:

What is Black Basil Use In?
Black basils are mainly used in Italian and Asian dishes. Black basil leaves are purple and slightly spicy flavor compared to regular basil. You can use black basil in vinegar, salads, and oil.
Now to our following herbs.

You can start rosemary herbs from seeds, but honestly, you can find a small plant more accessible from the local farmer's market, hardware retailers, and local garden center.
Can you grow rosemary plants indoor?
You can bring your rosemary plant inside during the winter but must keep them next to a sunny window and moist.
If you live in the northern hemisphere, you can provide sun via a southern exposure window, and your rosemary plant will thank you!
What is rosemary good for?
Rosemary is good for marinades such as roasted chicken, pork, and beef. But, seriously, have you smelled how delicious roasted potatoes with rosemary are?
Here are some delicious recipes you can use fresh rosemary.
Another plus of growing rosemary for beginners is that it's a pretty plant and looks great.
You can even use it as a holiday decoration. Just add some Christmas ornaments, and there you go! But, of course, rosemary plants can make lovely gifts too.

What is thyme?
Thyme is an easy herb to grow if you are a beginner gardener. You will find thyme in many dishes, including stews, soups, and meat-based meals.
Where can I plant thymes outdoor?
Outdoors you can plant thyme along with the edges of walkways and steps; once people rub against it, it will release a beautiful aroma!
The best plant to plant thyme next to?
It has a beautiful growth habit that makes it ideal in pots next to taller herbs like rosemary.
When not to eat thyme plants
If you use thyme for your landscape, do not use those plants for cooking, especially if you are a pet owner.
Suggested thyme type to grow
Grow lemon thyme to add an unexpected hint of citrus flavor to your dishes.
As a beginner gardener, you will make some beginner gardener mistakes, and that's OK!
These four culinary herbs are so easy to grow, and as you can see, you can grow them year-round and with limited space.
You will reduce the cost of buying thee herbs in-store, but most importantly, your meals are going to have a delicious fresh taste.