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January Online Income Report & February Goals

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What happened to January? Here I am February 1st writing this January online income report because I simply lost track of time. HA! So let us begin right away.

January brought us the biggest snowstorm I ever witnessed, and let me tell you, I expected 6-10 inches and not almost 3 feet of snow! What I loved the most about this blizzard, if there was anything good, it was the next day how the entire block came out to help one another!

One thing I learned was that walking in the snow when pregnant … ugh… UGH… LOL OK, so enough about my month and my blizzard experience, let’s look at my wallet!

It is that time to learn how much I earned last month. Check out this month January online income report.
January Blog Income Report 

January Social Media Update

  • Pinterest  –5135         January –5749
  • Facebook – 5810         January – 6545
  • Twitter – 1585            January –1632

Page views – 96,808

Below is the income my blog generated by ads and affiliates, but I have not received in my accounts. My goal is to increase the ads and affiliate revenue this year!

Ad Network Income: $317.84

Affiliate Sales: $39.42

Total January Site Income – $357.26

As you can see, my income generated this January for ads and affiliates really tanked. Though I know that ad income does decrease around this time of the year, I did terribly. My page views were also down as well.

I started great with page views, and it went down and up during the entire month. As far as my social media, it increased with Facebook ads and nothing else. The rest was just luck I am assuming. 😛

My goal is to grow my social media as much as possible, and if you haven’t read my blog goals for this year, you can find them all here. Hopefully, I am on the right track for My Stay At Home Adventure changes and not making a mistake.

Now, this is the money I received in my accounts.

  • Escalate Network – $28.40
  • Media.net – $100.59
  • Adsense – $139.19
  • TBN –       $420.47
  • Sponsored post – $000.00
  • Izea$425.83
  •  Clever Girl – $625.00
  • Linqia$183.56
  • She Know – $15.00

Total amount actually paid in January – $1968.04 <—- Best Month So Far!!!

So not everything was bad for me in January when you see how much I got paid into my accounts. This is by far my highest earnings ever, and I am very proud of it. Now keep in mind that the 4th quarter paid me well and brought me my highest page views. This means I am going to pay very well.

Total January Blog Expenses

I am going to warn you that this is going to be high, and I will explain why this is going to be high expenses this year.

Add the additional monthly expenses:

  • BoardBooster – $19.97
  • Advertisement – $32.93
  • Canva – $20.00
  • P.O. Box Renewal -$56.00 – I decided to pay this for an entire year.
  • Izea – $0.00
  • Giveaway – $00.00
  • MadMimi – $12.72
  • Writers – $75.00
  • Blog Expenses– $36.50
  • Blog Design 50% – $200.00

Total Expenses – $453.12

You are going to notice $200 for blog design; I put down 50% down for my blog design. This is part of 2016 Stay At Home Adventures goals for the year. I also invested in writers for my blog because I can now afford to? 😛

Blog expenses came in the form of things I needed for Sponsors' posts for this month. I am also trying to add my photography and recipes to the blog as well.  I am planning to invest back into my blogs and I am hoping this doesn’t bite me in the a$$.

Why am I doing this? Well, if you don’t know, I am 22 weeks pregnant and I need to make sure that my business (my blogs) are running. I have another project of mine I am trying to launch; it's another site later on this year.

Why am I doing this? I am doing this to see if I can get that blog to start making a profit as well. Another important reason why I am making sure my blog is full of content a month ahead is that right now, as I type this, I am not feeling well.

I also have unpredictable deliveries with my babies and I want to make sure my blog is ready to run solo. 😛

What I cut back this month was on my subscriber list, and I thought when I shared this news with fellow bloggers, they thought I was nuts. The reason I decided to cut over 400 subscribers from my email list is that I pay for that service.

As I stated before, if I don’t see a return of investment, I need to take some action. That being said, I needed to make sure that those I cut were not active at all. In my opinion, I want people to subscribe because they want to; not because they felt forced to. Honestly, if you aren’t reading my emails, or even opening them, you are not interested.

I can’t pay for dead emails just for the sake of numbers. Just like many other bloggers don’t’ like to have “dead” Facebook accounts or spammy Pinterest account following their accounts.

February Goals

My goals for the month of February are the following:

  • Continue to write and make sure my blog is ahead for at least 4 weeks.
  • Continue to invest back into my blog via paying for advertisements.
  • Write 4 posts for Mami Finances.
  • Host a PayPal giveaway this month.
  • Continue to increase my social media.
  • Release my eBook and wish for the best. LOL

As you can see, I am going to stick with just blog goals this time because honestly, my real life is unpredictable. Right now we are sick and I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow.

On another important note:

If you are interested in starting a money-making blog, feel free to check out this page and start your dream of making an extra income online. Also, make sure you read this book, How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul. This book turned things around for me, and this upcoming February, please make sure you join Elite Blog Academy. Make sure you go ahead and sign up for the waiting list!

Make sure you have a brand new blogging planner and a personal planner as well. I believe that having a blogging planner helped me with my blogging goals and success. If you are wondering what blogging planner I use, I use the free Elite Blog Academy planner. If you are interested, simply head over here and click the resource tab to get it.

Until next month, thank you for everything and please let me know how your month went and what I can do to help you succeed!

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  1. Yay! What a great month! I think you are being really smart about hiring out some writing. The more automation you can get before baby comes, the better. Heck, I’m not pregnant, and I’d still love to get to the point where I spend a bit of time writing and hand the rest off.

    1. Thank you!!! I am trying to get things in order. I am working ahead as much as possible to make sure its me and baby bonding time in June! 😀

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