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July 2016 Online Income Report

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July where did you go and why am I once again late in writing this July 2016 income report? Once you read this report, you will know why! So let’s begin and find out where it went good and where it went bad.

One thing I am learning is that I can’t do it all and with a new baby and major surgery I am having a hard time getting back into a routine and getting the motivation needed to get back into my blogs.

That being said, you will learn that with a new course and a group of like-minded people, I have been able to get my motivation back into my blog and dreaming big! If you want to work from home and start a blog, read on and get motivated.

Until this day it is hard for me to explain to my family and friend what exactly do I do to earn an income from home. How do I do it and sometimes their assumption is not a positive one. Many are interested in learning how Joyce stays at home with the kids and makes money.

When I explain to them and how hard I work their interest died. Leading to believe that many people have their assumption that working from home is not work. That working from home doesn’t require hard work.

You can learn more about how I stay home and make money and see what drove me to start making money.

If you are new to my blog for quite some time, I have started writing about my monthly online income report to help me get out of my comfort zone and for accountability. I became a stay at home after working for over 15 years. This journey was rough for me and not financially, but emotionally. I formed some stay at home mom bad habits that lead me to get out of my comfort zone and that lead me to start making money making blog.

I use BlueHost for starting my blog and me personally never had any issues with them. It is affordable and for over three years is the company I use for My Stay At Home Adventures and I have no major issues with them at all.

After reading this book, How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul, I became more confident and decided I could increase my income. The funny part was that I decided to aim low when it came to my income. I didn’t dare to dream big.

I joined EBA (Elite Blog Academy) and that changed the way I handled my blog. I learned so much from turning my blog into a business and started from there. It was when I lost a chunk of my income that the drive to make more money from this blog became more important.

With that drive, I made new goals for 2016 that included the following:

A New Look! – I continue to work on behind the scene to make this happen, and you should see this late spring/early summer. – Done

Continue to grow my business – The minute I decided to turn this blog into a business, everything changed for me. I can tell you that when pageviews are down you might get discouraged but to be honest, there is not much I can do just keep going and looking into the future. Also, my blog has its budget, and I am not being affected financially. My Stay At Home Adventure is a debt free business, and this means that if I don’t have the fund, I simply don’t buy it.  – Work in progress

Increase my page views to 250,000 – Pageviews are down, very down. But the year is not over, and my goal is achievable.

Earn a monthly income of $2,000 a month – When I lost a chunk of our income, I was panicking, but I sure was so wrong about it. I think this goal is attainable, and one way to also put it is that this year I would like to make $22,000 this year or more. – This month I made over this amount. Not sure how August is going to turn out to be honest since my pageviews are so down.

Help others – Giving back is an amazing feeling. As the year progresses, this is something that I am enjoy doing. Seeing others succeed warms my heart. – This is a continuing progress.

As you can see from the goals above I have completed some and not completed others, but the year is not over, and my drive is still there.

As pageviews take a beating my income seem to increase a bit. Learn how much My Stay At Home Adventures made when you read July 2016 Online Income Report.July 2016 Online Income Report

July Social Media Update

  • Pinterest  –15.291    August–16,518
  • Facebook – 8371     August – 8,780
  • Twitter – 1850         August –1,900

Page views – 46,127 <— yes, that bad!

Below is the income my blog generated, ads only, during the month of July. The reason why is because my goal is to increase my ad network income each month. This is a personal goal of mine; however, the actual money I got paid this month will be shown separately.

Ad Network Income: $270.25

  • Adsense – $89.51
  • Media Net – $27.43
  • TBN –$153.31

Now this is the money I received in my accounts.

  • Escalate Network – $36.85
  • Media.net – $00.00
  • Adsense – $00.00
  • TBN –       $352.25
  • iConnect – $00.00
  • Dime Media – $300.00
  • Izea – $163.00
  • Clever Girl – $325.00
  • Linqia – $412.20
  • TapInfluence – $600.00
  • Misc – $0.00
  • One2One – $150.00
  • Affiliate – $00.00

Total amount paid in July – $2339.30 <– highest amount so far!

Why the increase of money when pageviews are down? This answer is I get paid 30-90 days out also, affiliate sales small as they are steady too. I have taken a few sponsored posts to help with our summer budget since I have been recovering from surgery I am now able to start getting things in order.


  • BoardBooster – $25.00
  • Advertisement – $29.02
  • Canva – $10.00
  • Hosting, Domain, design -$299.99
  • Domain – $10.87
  • Izea – $0.00
  • Giveaway – $00.00
  • Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing – $147.00
  • Travel – $00.00
  • Writers – $50.00
  • Misc. – $97.00
  • Supplies – $50.00

Total Expenses – $723.88 <-highest amount

As you can see, July was terrible when it came to pageviews but oh so good when it came to earning some cash. I never thought that when I set out to make my goal of reaching $2,000 a month was going to happen.

Though I should aim high and big and this month I am making sure that my goals are on the right track, earning $22,000 this year looks achievable.

Tell me how your July went. If you have an income report post please share it with us. I want to celebrate with you.








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