Best Things to Spend Money On

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The cheap vs frugal debate drives us insane as people always assume we don't spend money at all.

The reality is that the best things to spend money on applies for everyone no matter their income.

Being smart about your money doesn't mean not spending your money on quality stuff.

So let's talk to today about the top next things to spend money on.

Does it seem like you’re spending your money but have nothing to show for it?

What do you spend your extra money on?

More importantly, what should you spend your money on? Let’s take a closer look at the best things to spend money on.

When it comes to spending money, there are six best things to spend money on that might surprise you. Learn what they are and why you need to.

6 Best Things to Spend Money On

Body and Healthcare

Treat your body like a temple. This means you should spend money on good health insurance. You should take good quality vitamins.

Use all-natural shampoo, body wash, and other products when taking care of your skin and hair.

Be good to your body. This also means spending the money on healthy food and ways to stay fit.

Taking care of your body avoids trip to the doctors which in return saves you money.

During the spring of 2019 I took on a challenge of exercising for 30 minutes everyday for 40 days.

Let me start by saying that, I do NOT like exercising and avoid it. I hate the pain and sweat and all that.

It wasn't easy, it was hard but I did it. Now I make the time to exercise daily. My right shoulder feels better and I feel better and this includes my mental health.

It is important to invest on yourself and this starts with you. If this means increasing your budget to better you, then go for it.

Your health and family health matters!


This doesn’t necessarily mean going back to college. You can take personal enrichment courses. You could take a course online.

It doesn’t have to be something that betters your career. It may just be something that betters you.

For us spending money on education such as online courses to learn more about photography, business courses such as Elite Blog Academy to grow our online business.

These things are what we are talking about.


There are always things you can spend your money on. But when you spend your money on experiences, you have memories that last a lifetime. It may be a vacation or going to a concert. Get out there and experience life.

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If you have extra money, why not spend it on those in need? It might be donating food to the local food bank or toys to the local animal shelter. If you see a need, fill it.

A Good Night’s Sleep

Did you know that people spend a third of their lives in bed? Why spend that time laying on a lumpy mattress or under scratchy sheets?

Spend the money to buy a great mattress and the softest bedding you can afford. When you lay down at night, you want to drift off to a peaceful night – not a night of tossing and turning.


Last, but not least, one of the best things to spend money on is investments. Invest in your retirement.

Invest in an early retirement. Invest in your home. Invest your money and time wisely.

Remember, it’s not just money. You can invest your time to create passive income and we all know that time is money.

Before you spend money, think about whether or not what you’re buying is going to make a difference in your life.

When you spend money, you want to feel good about what you spend your money on. Make sure that you spend your money wisely.

Ok , Frugal Adventurers your read the top best things to spend money on and now we want to know what are your thoughts and tips about it. Share them with us!

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