
Gardening Tips to Save You Money

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We love gardening, and we love to save money! So today, you will learn our top 5 quick gardening tips to save you money.

Why are we sharing these money-saving gardening tips?

Because we want to encourage you to garden and before you even suggest that gardening will cost you additional money, is the reason why we wrote this post.

Gardening is good for the soul and honestly doesn't cost you much money. However, something is unique about growing plants and even your food.

Even if you are starting a garden this season, these quick gardening tips will help you save money this season for sure.

Let's begin!

Unrecognizable senior couple with their granddaughter planting a seedling on allotment. Man, woman and a small girl gardening.

What are quick gardening tips to save money?

It is so simple to spend a lot of money on your home outdoors. Landscaping the yard every year can add up.

We buy mulch, flowers, garden trees from the tree center, tools, you name it, and the cost can add up. If you are a beginner gardener, you will make some beginner gardener mistakes for sure. We made them too!

The good news is that you must because again, we will cover them, and you will be able to save money this season and future gardening season.

Smiling gardener holding money in garden

5 Quick Gardening Tips to Save You Money

Plant According To What Your Neighbor is Planning

OK, so this might seem like a crazy idea but hear me out. If you take the time to plant your vegetables according to what your good neighbors are planning, you will save money.

You see, chances are you will have way too many of one kind of vegetables, right? 

I know I had way too many tomatoes one time, and because we all plant tomatoes, I couldn't even share them with my neighbors.

By knowing what they are planting, you will be able to do a vegetable exchange with them, saving us money.

Think about it?

If Pete is planting tomatoes, and you decide you will do lettuces and cucumbers, you might be able to exchange vegetables. It will work out and will save money.

Perennials Will Save You Money

Plant perennials instead of annuals in your flower beds if you want to keep landscaping costs low.

Add the cost of buying flowers each year, and you will realize that maybe shifting to perennials will be an excellent money-saving idea.

Each year when they multiply, trim them back and even exchange them with your neighbors. That way, you all have fabulous gardens and are saving money on your gardens. Yes, I'm all about being a good neighbor. 😊

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Save that Kitchen Scraps

We have talked many times about using good soil in our garden, and we even mention saving kitchen scraps and coffee grounds.

The truth is that composting these will result in rich soil and a fabulous garden. Your potting soil will be way better than buying it from the store, and at best, you won't be spending money.

Use Pebbles or Small Rocks

Using pebbles and small rocks in your garden to cover your ground will save you money instead of using mulch.

You will not have to rush to the store to purchase mulch every spring and fall every spring and fall. Think about it!

Good Gardening Tools Will Save You Money

It is good to head to the dollar store or discount store and purchase gardening tools for the current season.

The truth is that if you add how much you spend each year or how many times you replace them because they either broke or don't work, the cost is pretty high.

Investing in good-quality garden tools will save you money in the long run, and they will get the job done.

The same goes for gardening gloves; make sure you use suitable quality garden gloves to last all season long!

As you can see,e these five quick gardening tips to save you money do work and start saving you money this season and in future seasons.

It's all about thinking about this year and future gardening seasons. You might save a quick buck today and this season, but if you add up how much you spend each year, it will add up.

Your turn: You read five quick gardening tips to save you money now we want to know what other tips and ideas you will add. Share them below.

Happy Gardening!

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