
Cheap Garden Edging Ideas for Your Garden

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Garden edging doesn’t have to be expensive. You also don’t have to settle for something boring or unsightly. Depending on the time and labor you want to invest, you have several options. Let’s take a closer look at some cheap garden edging ideas for your garden.

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A collage of different edging.

Why is Garden Edging Important?

Imagine you spend hours planting a gorgeous flower garden. You tend to the flowers and soon the bed is overflowing with bright colors. Wouldn’t it be a shame if grass crept into the mix?

That’s why garden edging is so important. You want to protect your flower beds and other landscaped areas from grass. This will also give your landscaping a crisp, clean look that will instantly boost your curb appeal.

Is Garden Edging Aesthetic, Functional, or Both?

It can be both. Some garden edging is driven into the ground and never seen, making it purely functional. Then there are those that are above the ground.

Ones above the ground don’t have to be aesthetically pleasing, but – if you can afford to do so – why not make them pretty? Above-ground garden edging is often installed once and can be enjoyed for years and years to come.

Is Edging It Hard to Install?

It depends on the type. Some can easily be driven into the ground with a hammer while others need to be perfectly placed and take hours to install. A large area of brick or rock edging, for example, can take hours of backbreaking labor. It all depends on the type of edging you choose.

Now, let’s look at some of the cheap garden edging ideas that won’t break the bank.

Cinder Blocks

Cinder blocks, otherwise known as cored concrete blocks, are an affordable garden edging option that is easy to install. It might take some hard work, but the installation is very straightforward.

If you remember building with blocks when you were younger, you’ll have no trouble at all creating a garden bed that uses cinder block edging.

At the time of this article, cinder blocks could be purchased at roughly $1.65 each. If you’re worried about the look of the block, remember that it can be painted any color you like to make it a better fit for the space.

Decorative Stone

Decorative landscaping stones, or rocks, are a fantastic and affordable way to edge up the garden you have been pouring your heart into. These stones add an amazing texture and color to the edge of your garden and require a certain level of creativity when installing. This adds a personal touch, as the stone can be easily adjusted, replaced, or removed, unlike the more permanent options available. 

You can also utilize the colorful stone options specific to your region to add an additional, personal touch. Somewhere like Florida has a completely different selection than somewhere colder, like Massachusetts, so it is important to check what is available locally.

The available choices of decorative stone in Florida are going to consist of lighter colors that play into the style of home local to Florida and the local vegetation, but the more popular options in Massachusetts will be tailored more to the colder, harsher Northern climate, foliage, and home designs. Make sure you do your research!

Thrifted Plates

If you want cheap garden edging and add another layer of beauty, consider thrifted plates. Plates can often be purchased at thrift stores for $0.25 to $0.50 each. Choose a color scheme and then mix and match patterns, styles, and sizes. Common plates sizes range from 6” to 12”.

Once you’ve gathered enough plates to line your garden bed, dig a thin ditch, stick your plates into the dirt, and alternate the sizes. Fill in the dirt around the plates, making sure the plates are securely in the ground. It’s a very bohemian look that will give your flower beds a unique look.

Logs or Large Branches

Do you have a wooded area around your home? Collect large fallen branches to serve as garden edging. Again, you’ll need to dig an area around your garden to ensure that the branches are flat against the ground to keep the grass out.

If you have a tree cut down, use logs as your garden edging. These will have to be replaced over time, but this natural edging will cost you nothing. It also gives a beautiful rustic look.

Dig-In Plastic Edging

If you don’t mind the work, dig-in plastic edging is an affordable option that you won’t see once installed. Currently, you can purchase 40 feet for around $20. This does require having to dig a line to place the edging, but it’s a very low-cost option.

No Dig Plastic Edging

If you don’t want as much work, you will have to pay a bit more. However, no-dig plastic edging can be a fairly inexpensive option. You will get 20 feet of edging for around $17.

This makes it much more costly than the dig-in option, but you must consider the amount of time you’ll save. This is another option that won’t be seen once installed.

Cheap garden edging can be both functional and beautiful. You can spend hours doing the labor or reducing labor by spending a bit more money.

You can also use uncommon items for garden edging if you're creative, such as plates. Consider what’s more important to you when choosing your garden edging.

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