4 Reasons Why Being Frugal is the Best Thing You Can Do Right Now
This post may contain affiliate links which might earn us money. Please read my Disclosure and Privacy policies hereWhen it comes to being frugal, there are a lot of misconceptions. People think being frugal means, you are cheap or can't enjoy life. This is not true! Being frugal is about making intelligent decisions to live a better life with your money. We will discuss four reasons why being frugal is the best thing you can do right now!

When we decided years ago to change our lives by controlling our finances, we never understood what frugal was, and we didn't know where this journey would take us. What we didn't think this journey would change us completely. Our financial journey changed not only us financially but also how we view money and life.
Being frugal came with the territory of what we wanted for our lives. But what exactly does being frugal mean to us? The fun part about our frugal life is that it is our and no one else's.
What is a frugal lifestyle?
It means being mindful of your spending and making choices that allow you to save money. It is being content with what you have and not being controlled by materialism.
Is it good to be frugal?
Yes, it is good to be frugal! There are many benefits of being frugal. When you are frugal, you learn to be more mindful of your spending. You also know to be content with what you have and appreciate the things that you purchase. Lastly, being frugal can help you save money in the long run.
What is an example of being frugal?
A great example of being frugal is when you are at the grocery store. You can save money by being mindful of the items you purchase and only buying what you need. This is just one example of how being frugal can help you in your everyday life!
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Being Frugal – What Being Frugal Is About
Many people didn't understand what we were doing during our financial journey or why we were doing it. We went from living a “good life” to completely changing and living with less stuff. When we decided to take on our debt and take control of our finances, everything changed for us and the better.
Though the journey was far from easy, the truth is that most people had a perception of frugality and what being frugal is about. This perception of frugality is probably one of many reasons why their finances are not under control, in my opinion.
Define Your Frugal
I define frugal as being in control of money. Am I controlling my money and money not controlling me? Is we, as a family, living our life the way we want and not letting money dictate how to live our lives. We learned to tell our money where to go.
Many of us don't realize how much money controls us. Many of us don't want to face the reality that we are the reason we are in the financial mess we currently are dealing with. Making assumptions about what being frugal is it's a way of making themselves feel a bit better about others.
Your frugal journey and how you live frugally should be defined by you and not by someone else's definition. You should do what is best for you and your family.
What being frugal is about, in my opinion, is being in control of your money. You are the one who decides where your money goes, and you are the one who makes the decisions on how to spend your money. You choose how to live your life, and you don't let money dictate how you live your life.
Living a frugal lifestyle is not about being cheap. It is about being mindful of your spending and making choices that allow you to save money. It is being content with what you have and not being controlled by materialism. Being frugal is a great way to save money in the long run!
Being frugal is not easy.
Like any lifestyle change, being frugal will not be easy at first. It is a journey that takes time to adjust to this new way of living. But I can promise you that it is worth it!
We have to change the way we live our lives. We have to discipline ourselves when it comes to our finances. We live in a society where money is everything. We grew up thinking debt is OK and confusing a want with need.
You can't change how you grew up overnight, which involved our transition. We have outside forces and society to tell us constantly is OK to spend. We have family members that don't understand why we live the way we live.
But we are committed to sticking with it and continuing on our financial path. So we set out to conquer our goals and live a life where credit card debts were a thing of the past. Instead, we decided that emergency funds and paying cash for a vehicle were what we wanted.
Becoming frugal didn't change our finances overnight.
Like anything worth having, being frugal and taking control of your finances will not happen overnight. It takes time, dedication, and commitment.
We are constantly learning and growing on our financial journey. We have made mistakes along the way, but we have also learned from them. Our goal is to be debt-free, and we are well on our way!
If you are thinking about becoming frugal or taking control of your finances, I encourage you to do it! It is the best decision we have ever made, and I am so glad we did it. We are living a much happier and stress-free life because of it.
We continue to learn, adjust, and remember that frugality is not a fad or short-term assignment.
Becoming frugal took time. It took us years, and it continues to evolve. However, being frugal made me realize that I could achieve any goal I set for myself.
When we first started to take control of our finances, we decided to write goals. We wanted to pay our debts, we wanted to grow a healthy emergency fund, and I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. The last goal was challenging because I would give up an excellent salary to stay home with my children.
Here I am, a stay-at-home mom and proud of this decision. When you stick to your goals, that's when you know you got this frugal thing right. You are working toward something. That's what being frugal to me is about.
Being Frugal is about you!
Being frugal is about you. It's about being in control of your money. It's about making choices that work best for you and your family. It's being content with what you have and not being controlled by materialism.
If you are thinking about becoming frugal, I encourage you to do it! It is the best decision we have ever made, and I am so glad we did it. We are living a much happier and stress-free life because of it.