As you know, I was very late posting my November 2016 income report, and I'm sure people thought I was too upset with the pageviews being so down and such. But something happened, and I can't wait to share it with you in this December 2016 online income report
Though my pageviews have not increased as much as I would like I am not as upset as I should be. I think my focus on this blogging things is changing. I swear I'm spending most of my time working Facebook and taking care of sick kids to really focus on bringing my pageviews back up last month.
You also know that my site was down for a few days at the beginning of December and that cost me money.
To say that I started December on a bad foot and seeing the income I can't complain. I also took the time to reflect and spend time with my family. One crazy thing I will tell you that I love December because it got me hyped and excited for the New Year.
I love it. I love starting fresh. I love that with my new adventures for 2017 I will be able to grow personally and business wise. I have written goals, and I can't wait to share them with you all. I also decided to co-host a link party which it has been years for me, but I'm really excited and want you all to join and discover new blogs!
I also wanted to share what worked for me last year and what didn't work for me before you see my numbers.
I think spending wisely in courses and having things planned out helped my blog to continue to grow while I was out recovering from surgery.
What didn't work?
Getting away from basics and listening to others when it came to promoting my blog and other things. What I learn is this:
Don't take advice from people that don't implement what they are preaching.
Also what is good for other bloggers might not be good for you. This is something that I learned the hard way and is a lesson that I will preach going forward in 2017. I'm also going to spend time promoting old content and writing more personal posts.
Enough talking let's get this December online income report started!
If you are new to my blog, for quite some time I have started writing about my monthly online income report to help me get out of my comfort zone and for accountability. I became a stay at home mom after working for over 15 years. This journey was rough for me, and not just financially, but emotionally too. I formed some stay at home mom bad habits that led me to get out of my comfort zone, and that led me to start making money starting a blog.
I used BlueHost to start my blog, and personally, never had any issues with them. It is affordable, and for over three years.
*As of December 2016 I made the switch to LiquidWeb and moved all my sites and other sites to save money. I still recommend BlueHost to anyone that wants to start a blog.
After reading this book, How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul, I became more confident and decided I could increase my income. The funny part was that I decided to aim low when it came to my income goal. I didn’t dare to dream big at the time.
I joined EBA (Elite Blog Academy) and that changed the way I handled my blog. I learned so much from turning my blog into a business and started from there. It was when I lost a chunk of my income that the drive to make more money from this blog became more important.
So far this in 2016 I have made over $11,000 in seven months, and all from the comfort of my home. I didn’t work long hours, and honestly, I didn’t work much on my blog due to health reasons. I am proud of my blog accomplishments today, though. I am also proud that I made that money on my own.
Below are my 2017 blog goals I created earlier this year: To be announced!
December 2016 Online Income Report
December Social Media Update
Pinterest –18,700 01/19– 20,480 <—- My written goal for last year was to reach 10K followers! SUCCESS!
Facebook – 9165 01/19 – 10,419 <— 2016 goal reach in January 2017!
Twitter – 1911 01/19 – 2,003 <– I don't know what happened here, to be honest, but I take it!
Page views – 28,055 <— Whatever!
Below is the income my blog generated, ads only, during the month of December. The reason why is because my goal is to increase my ad network income each month. This is a personal goal of mine; however, the actual money I got paid this month will be shown separately.
OK, let's talk because as you can see with low pageviews I managed to make some money. This money was from other work I've taken and project from weeks before.
That being said I did do some sponsored posts last month and the payments will start showing the end of this month and February, but I am cutting down to focus on other stuff.
Sponsored posts are a great way to promote things you love and enjoy, but they can also kick your a$$ when it comes to readers.
Last year I didn't focus on personal posts which I love doing. It was a busy year, but I'm back and ready to get this adventure started.
Now I wanted to introduce you to Funtastic Friday link party because I know many of you are bloggers, and if you are not, you are more than welcome to visit blogs that have linked to this link party.
I would love to have money bloggers, and frugal bloggers link up and help each other out. Also, I want to know how December treated you.
Latina mom of 4 married to wonderful Greek gentleman. Living in southeast PA and trying to juggle family and a household while trying to earn an income from home.
Follow my stay at home journey as I discover how to earn money and save money so we can continue to live debt-free.