Garden Lites Chocolate Muffins (Plus Daily Food Journal)

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We partnered with Garden Lites for this post and all opinion express are my own.

A few months ago, I discovered Garden Lites products and it completely made me one of their biggest fans.

Ok, let me go back for a minute.

In September, I decided that I was going to make a conscious effort to eat healthier food. By healthier food, I mean more natural food with more vegetables and more home cooked meals.

For me, eating foods that work with my body is important. I know that if I eat carbs early in the day, I am bound to be tired in a few hours, so I avoid carbs until dinner time.

It has been a journey, but the truth is that I feel better and I love it. Of course, I’m conscious of my financial spending and my time.

I seriously used this as an excuse to skip breakfast, eat what I wanted and, on the go, because I didn’t have time and well, good food costs money, right?

My one favorite excuse was that healthy food just tastes “okay!”

This is far from the truth and honestly, I am here to tell you that.

To keep track of my food intake I started a food journal. By tracking my food intake that was how I discovered that eating carbs early in the day was causing me to feel super tired by the time the school bus came in the afternoon.

I discovered that if I eat more veggies, I had more energy and the feeling of being tired was gone.

Garden Lites Chocolate Muffins

Ok so now that we discussed this, let’s talk about Garden Lites and the reasons I love this brand.

Visiting my local Target, I found Garden Lites products, decided to try them and I loved them.

If you are not familiar with these products, I would suggest that you give their Chocolate Muffins a try.

The Garden Lites Chocolate Muffins are delicious and yes, they taste like chocolate!  The first two ingredients are well, vegetables!

What are the two main vegetables found in Garden Lites products?

Carrots and zucchini!

The chocolate muffins are super moist, thanks to the zucchini, and sweet, thanks to the carrots! They are gluten-free, peanut free and soy free, so if you are wondering, they are very allergy friendly.

How to eat a Garden Lites Chocolate Muffin?

How I enjoy my Garden Lites Chocolate Muffin is during my snack time. I grab one and place it in the microwave and I’m good to go!

They are 120 calories and seriously perfect for picky eaters and again they just taste delicious.

Save When You Buy Garden Lites

Head over here, print a coupon for Garden Lites and find them in your local grocery store freezer!

Make sure you grab your free Daily Food Journal below and enjoy Garden Lites Chocolate Muffins. To your health!

Download the printable here!

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