20 Grocery Budget Hacks for Big Families
This post may contain affiliate links which might earn us money. Please read my Disclosure and Privacy policies hereA grocery budget alone can be a struggle for many families, now imagine a big family of 8+ kids! These families have some useful grocery budget hacks for big families (or any size family) that they use to keep their grocery budget under control.
We read about big families (large families) and the first thing that comes to our mind is the cost of supporting a big family. For many of us, it's the food cost that really intrigues us since it's one of the highest expenses in our budget.
The truth is that there are some grocery budget hacks for big families that will work with any size families that can benefit any size family.
Keeping a big family grocery budget under control is not as easy as you might think. The truth is that we spend tons of money on groceries, and we know this. Depending on your family size and location, your grocery budget will vary. One thing we all know is that feeding a family cost a lot of money.
What do you consider a larger family?
It all depends on where you live. For example, depending on where you live, having 3 kids or more is a big family. In the USA, the average number of people per household is about 2.6 in 2019. I just wanted to give you a bit of information since I guess, I am a big family since I have 4 children. 🙂
Crazy as it may sound, you will learn that the techniques that these families use small families can use as well.
*Try PlateJoy.com and use code: MyStayAtHome and get $10 off!
Once you read and see how they save money using these grocery budget hacks you will be inspired to do the same.
Now, of course, we all know that no family is alike. We know that and I will say that when it comes to menu planning I have been known to use $5 Meal Plan because it helps me keep my budget under control and gives meal ideas that are low cost.
Also, if you are interested in saving $2400 a year then you need to check out how to rock your grocery budget this fall.

Grocery Budget Hacks for Big Families
Below you will find how large families are able to feed their family and what grocery budget hacks some big families use. Always remember that each family is different, each family has different diets.
Never compare your budget to others, and even if you don’t have a large family, you can always learn new things to help you reduce your grocery budget.
Magnetic List System
Big Families: How Do You Do It? {Grocery Shopping}
Via Crazy Adventures In Parenting
In this article, you read how many large-sized families go shopping. Making a list by creating magnetic lists is a system that seems to work for them.
Meat as Flavoring

How to Feed a Family of Seven on a Budget
Via Live Strong
Use meat as flavoring such as bacon, ham, and sausage in small serving sizes to give it a nice flavor to the meal.
Pantry Clipboard System
Grocery Shopping for a large family
Via Mary Menne
Use a pantry clipboard system that works well with this last family. They also have a nice system of unloading we might try out.
Use Store Coupon Policies

Grocery Shopping Gone Crazy
This mama of 10 has a fabulous system that includes using double coupon policies to save big with their groceries. They also go to multiple stores and they tell you what they buy at each of them to help with their grocery budget.
Learn how you can triple stack coupons to maximize your savings.
Use apps to get cashback when you grocery shop:
- Ibotta
- Checkout 51
- Shopkick
- Fetch Rewards (use code DK24W to earn 2,000 points)
Spend time on cutting and filing coupons
5 Tips on How to Grocery Shop for a Large Family
Via Mom of 6
This family uses a nice system which includes spending an hour every Sunday cutting and filing coupons and matching grocery sales.
Pay attention to the closing times of the deli, meat counter, and bakery
15 Essential Grocery Tips That Feed My Family of Eight for Only $250 a Month
Jennifer from The Intentional Mom gives very detailed ways she manages to feed her family of 8 for $250 and the tip above is one of many tips that helped them to keep their grocery budget under $250!
Create a monthly meal plan

Large Family Meal Planning for the Month
This wonderful family will show you how they create a meal plan for the month. YES, a month. Their meals are also healthy and the article will show you details such as recipes and how to prep.
Basic menu is your friend

How I Feed a Family of Seven for $300 a Month
Thanks to some resources she found online and strict meal planning, she is able to feed her family of 7 for $300 a month. This menu is not about junk food, but simple basic recipes that help her keep her budget down.
Get creative, and get humble

How We Fed Our Family for $200 This Month
(via The Frugal Farmer)
This family of 6 grocery budget is of $200 a month, and Laurie does it by adapting a “this is all we have” perspective.
Shop one time a month

How I Feed My Family of 7 for $400 per Month
Via Money Saving Mom
My favorite family is back, and she is telling the readers at Money Saving Mom how she shops once a month for groceries. Yes, ONCE A MONTH! I think this once a month pattern is something we should try in our home.
Prioritizing real food

Large-Family Budget-Friendly Meal Plan
I love how open they are about their budget is out of control and what they did to get it back under control. One thing that I love about this family: Prioritizing real food in their budget. This is important to them and what works for their family.
Use a dinner chart when shopping
Once a month Shopping for Large Family Series
In this post, she details how they figure out what to get and how to not overspend during their one-month grocery shopping trip. They have their own dinner idea chart that they follow to keep their grocery budget under control, which you can download too!
Shop meat on sale

How I Save Time And Money In The Kitchen, and You Can Too!
Via My Stay At Home Adventures
Jamie from Life Is Sweeter By Designed shows how she and her family save time and money in the kitchen. She even includes some simple recipes that will save you money as well.
Stick to what is important to your family

How to Feed a Big Family Without Breaking the Bank
Via Breaking Muscle
Health is important to this family, and it shows in their grocery budget. Learn how they are doing it and their recipe. They also have a free weekly meal plan pdf too.
Stick to one store
Feed a Large Family on $10 a Day with a 14-Day Rotating Meal Plan
Via Life Hacker
You have to read how she does it and she only does it solely shopping at one store.
Buy in bulk

Meal Plans, Grocery Shopping, and a Large Family
This family saves money on their grocery by buying in bulk.
Freezer cooking
Large Family Freezer Cooking
Planning saves you money, freezer cooking saves you time and money too! See how this family freezer cooks and their recipe.
Control, control, control
Large Family Logistics: Real Food on a Budget
Ingredient control, portion control, and waste control is how this family keeps their grocery budget down.
7 Frugal Ways to Feed a Large Family
Homemade and preparation are how this family do it!
Invest in a freezer
How to Feed a Large Family on a Small Budget
Via Double The Batch
Investing in a freezer and stocking up when you find a deal is how this family saves money on groceries.
As you can see, these amazing large families seem to all have a system together to help them stay on budget. These grocery budget hacks for big families not only work for them but can with any size family.
The key is planning, budgeting, commitment, and sticking to what is important to your family. From eating extremely healthy, to only shopping once a month; they have committed to feeding their family on a budget that works for them.
Before we go, you are more than welcome to try $5 Meal Plan for free when you click this link.
What grocery budget hacks for a big family do you have?
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These are some great tips! We have 6 kids between my husband and I and groceries can add up fast! I’ve been working on couponing more, using apps to get cash rebates and trying to plan our meals ahead.
Thanks for linking to my blog!