8 Never Thought Of Tips To Help You Save Money On Picnics
This post may contain affiliate links which might earn us money. Please read my Disclosure and Privacy policies hereLet’s face it; Summer is fun. Summer is amazing, and it can also cost us a lot of money if we are not careful. In our family, we enjoy picnics. Whether eating outside under the tree with my kids or having a picnic at a park, it is something we truly enjoy and look forward to.
No matter where you enjoy your picnic, having big or small picnics during this time of the year can add up. If you are trying to save money this summer and are looking for ways to save money on picnics, I am here to help you.

Being a responsible adult is not always easy, and if we are not careful, all the plans we made for our summer could be affected if we are not careful about how we manage our money. This doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy the summer and have fun with our family and friends. It doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money if you plan and follow these simple tips.
The following tips on how not to save money on picnics will help you enjoy your picnic without worrying about the cost. Regardless of how small or big your picnics are, these tips will help you save money. You can save money and have your picnic too!
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How to save money on picnics? Here's are some tips to help you!

Depending on where you have your picnic, it can cost money. Driving can cost gas, and if you have it in a location where you have to pay fees (parking, park entrance fee, etc.), you have to consider this.
Having a backyard picnic will be the best place to have a picnic, but not many people have an actual backyard or the space large enough to have a picnic. A location that’s near, with no to low fees, will help you save money on picnics this summer.
Don’t have a cooler. We got you!
Picnic essentials like coolers can add money. Sometimes we need the coolers to carry the food we are planning to cook, and sometimes we don’t have enough coolers for sodas and holding the cold food.
In this situation, it is best to forget what others think and get creative, mis amigos. Get a tote or a box, add a plastic trash bag inside, fill it with ice, and have yourself a cooler—no need to go purchase one. Save money on purchasing a cooler, and then you can reuse the tote and trash bag to store trash and other things.

Bring your own water
I love water, and when the temperatures are hot, you need to keep hydrated. Bottled water prices are ridiculous (sorry, my opinion). At times they can cost more than soda.
To save money on picnics, fill plastic bottles or containers and place them in the freezer the night before. When you are ready to go you, have cold (ice) water available for you without you spending money buying water, and if you want to, use it as ice.
Bring your utensils from home
I know it sounds ridiculous when I say bring your own home kitchenware. I am not referring to just spoons, knives, and forks; I am referring to your serving spoons, tongs, bowls, plates, containers, and things like that.
Although most disposable versions of these items might not seem like a lot individually, buying these things can add up. Why not bring them from home? This will save you a lot of money on picnics this summer for sure.
Use an old blanket
Bring your old blankets to your picnic. It doesn’t have to match, and it doesn’t have to be pretty. You are going to use it for sitting or lying down. It’s about enjoying the outdoors with your loved ones. Save money and bring your old blanket with you!
Make dessert from scratch
We are so guilty of this. We tend to go and buy a dessert when we go to picnics. We have gotten wiser by creating simple and delicious desserts from home and taking them there. Purchasing store-bought desserts can add up, especially when you have multiple picnics in one month.

Keep it simple
Another thing we are guilty of in our family. We want everyone to have a good time. We want everyone to eat everything we make. Our picnic menus can be overwhelming.
It wasn't long ago that we managed to create a simple menu that not only reduced food waste and stress but saves a lot of money.

Keep the menu selection small.
Just as I stated above, keeping your picnics simple and small can reduce overspending and stress. You want to enjoy your picnics, not stress over them.
Check out these money saving posts:
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Picnics this summer don’t have to break your budget. Follow these tips, and remembering important family will help you save money on picnics this summer.
What other things do you do to save money on picnics? Please share it with us.