
October 2016 Online Income Report

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We are now in November, and quite honestly I am pretty shocked a how fast this year has gone! I am looking at my 2016 yearly goal and kind of freaking out as I write this October 2016 online income report and you are going to understand why.

Last month I told you about my doubts and little meltdown regarding routines and this blog. I asked myself last month what was I chasing with this blog. What do I want?

This was an eye opener for me and to be honest, I am not seeing anything changing since the 4th quarter started. Pageviews aren't going up; I am not really looking into sponsored posts because I want to keep them to a minimum, but I will be honest they have helped me with much-needed fund this year.

It got me thinking that I needed to find myself into a mastermind group with like bloggers who want to succeed. I have a wonderful blogging friend who I trust and we help each other out and we were both talking about having a small group that will push each other and commit.

My thought process is that next year I want to be in a group with 5 bloggers who are willing to be honest and help each other up. Bloggers who are  committed to meet at least once a month and even go on a small blogging retreat! This is not a blog tribe but a group of bloggers who want to succeed in their blogging business and work together.

Click the images to read my other online income reports.

August Online Income & September Goals

February Online Income Report

How I Managed To Make Over $11K In 7 Months From Home

The problem is that I don't know where to begin, I don't know if I want to commit to a mastermind and lastly, where do I find committed bloggers.  Honestly, I am not even sure if mastermind group will be a goal for 2017, but it sounds so tempting!

Anyone with any suggestions or ideas regarding a blogging mastermind group, please contact me. Anyway, I am still positive that I will reach my goals for my blog business and go through my EBA course and Market affiliate course, which I recommend, and continue going.
November is here and soon the year will be over. Read where I am with my blogging goals and how much my we made. Read our October 2016 Online Income Report.So I wrote a free eBook, and you can get your copy by clicking here. I really want you to read it and enjoy it

If you are new to my blog, for quite some time I have started writing about my monthly online income report to help me get out of my comfort zone and for accountability. I became a stay at home mom after working for over 15 years. This journey was rough for me, and not just financially, but emotionally too. I formed some stay at home mom bad habits that led me to get out of my comfort zone, and that led me to start making money starting a blog.

I use BlueHost to start my blog, and personally, never had any issues with them. It is affordable, and for over three years, it is the company I use to run My Stay At Home Adventures with no major issues what so ever.

After reading this book, How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul, I became more confident and decided I could increase my income. The funny part was that I decided to aim low when it came to my income goal. I didn’t dare to dream big at the time.

I joined EBA (Elite Blog Academy) and that changed the way I handled my blog. I learned so much from turning my blog into a business and started from there. It was when I lost a chunk of my income that the drive to make more money from this blog became more important.

So far this year I have made over $11,000 in seven months, and all from the comfort of my home. I didn’t work long hours, and honestly, I didn’t work much on my blog due to health reasons. I am proud of my blog accomplishments today, though. I am also proud that I made that money on my own.

Below are my 2016 blog goals I created earlier this year:

A New Look! – I continue to work on behind the scene to make this happen, and you should see this late spring/early summer. – Done

Continue to grow my business – I am seeing a growth in my affiliate sales thanks to Michelle's course.

Increase my page views to 250,000 – I am trying to make it to 50,000 by the end of the year now.

Earn a monthly income of $2,000 a month – When I lost a chunk of our income, I was panicking, but I sure was so wrong about it. I am now averaging $13K so far but who knows if I'm going to reach this goal.

Help others – Giving back is an amazing feeling. As the year progresses, this is something that I enjoy doing. Seeing others succeed warms my heart. – Always.

As you can see from the goals above, I have completed some, and not completed others; but the year is not over, and my drive is still there.

November is here and soon the year will be over. Read where I am with my blogging goals and how much my we made. Read our October 2016 Online Income Report.October 2016 Online Income Report

September Social Media Update

  • Pinterest  –18,700  Nov–19270
  • Facebook – 9165   Nov – 9280
  • Twitter – 1911       Nov –1,956

Page views – 31,250 A little better than last month!

Below is the income my blog generated, ads only, during the month of October. The reason why is because my goal is to increase my ad network income each month. This is a personal goal of mine; however, the actual money I got paid this month will be shown separately.

Ad Network Income: $257.94

  • Adsense – $82.73
  • Media Net – $14.64
  • TBN –$160.57

Now this is the money I received in my accounts.

  • Escalate Network – $00.00
  • Media.net – $00.00
  • Adsense – $153.11
  • TBN –       $90.55
  • iConnect – $00.00
  • Dime Media – $00.00
  • Izea – $00.00
  • Clever Girl – $50.00
  • Linqia – $307.20
  • TapInfluence – $00.00
  • Misc – $0.00
  • One2One – $00.00
  • Affiliate – $00.00
  • EBA – 78.40
  • Amazon Aff – 48.18

Total amount paid – $727.44


Total Expenses – $153.13

Now that you see where I am at I feel confident that I can make it and grow my business. I just have to go back and evaluate what is going on.  How was your October? Hope it was better than mine? Have an income report? Link it below I want to check it out!

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