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Puerto Rican Thanksgiving Recipes

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Puerto Rican Thanksgiving dinner differs greatly from the American version of mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and turkey. Puerto Ricans enjoy a very different Thanksgiving dinner. The good news is that you can enjoy these Puerto Rican Thanksgiving recipes this holiday, too!

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About Puerto Rican Thanksgiving

What is a traditional Puerto Rican Thanksgiving?

The Thanksgiving holiday was not a traditional Puerto Rican holiday on the island. However, as many Puerto Ricans started to move to the United States and US holidays began to influence the island, Thanksgiving became the unofficial start of the holiday season in Puerto Rico. Thanksgiving Day is the same date as the United States.

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Celebrating Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico is about the same as celebrating it on the mainland. Businesses are closed, and family gatherings to celebrate happen across the island.

What you might see different will be that the dishes you expect in the United States might have a touch of Latin flavor.

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