Search Results for: save money

Personal Financial Myths – Brightpeak Financial #MoneyMythBPF
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Personal Financial Myths – Brightpeak Financial #MoneyMythBPF

This post is a collaboration with brightpeak financial ® and Latina Bloggers Connect. All opinions expressed in this post are completely my own. Years ago I was broke and struggling financially, and the sad part was that even as I made more money, my financial struggles continued to spin out of control. Never in my…

Woman putting money in her big pink piggy bank.
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6 Incredible Monthly Money Savings Challenges

There are many money challenges out there, and I must admit that I genuinely enjoy adding some spark to my finances and some money challenges into the mix. Finding the best 2023 monthly money challenges this year can be intimidating, especially if you are a beginner. For ideas, you will be able to find many money…

20 Ways To Save On Wedding That Will Save You Thousands
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20 Ways To Save On Wedding That Will Save You Thousands

When I started my blog, I was in the middle of planning my wedding, and I was trying to keep our wedding cost as low as possible. I found many ways to save money on our wedding that saved us thousands of dollars. Below you will read the post I wrote in 2013 that to…

How Much Should I Budget for Halloween?

How Much Should I Budget for Halloween?

Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year, but without careful planning, it can quickly become expensive. According to 2023 statistics, U.S. consumers spent $12.2 billion on Halloween-related items like costumes, candy, and decorations. The average household spent around $108.24, and for 2024, we expect these numbers to increase slightly due to…

Homemade burger patties, lettuce, frozen corn, and hummus showcasing freezer-friendly foods that help with meal prep, reducing food waste, and saving time in the kitchen.
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24 Freezer-Friendly Foods You Didn’t Know You Could Freeze

Freezing food is a powerful way to save both time and money while reducing food waste. Many people think of freezing only meat, vegetables, and bread, but there are so many other freezer-friendly foods you might not realize can be stored this way! Freezing is one of the best kitchen hacks to ensure you always…

An image of a school supplies shopping list.
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4 Easy Ways To Obtain a Back To School List

Back-to-school shopping season is here! And if you are not organized about BTS (Back To School) season you are going to spend money. Lots of money! To help, we are going to show you how to obtain a back-to-school list to keep you on track and stop you from overspending this BTS season! Heck, we…