Search Results for: save money

Planning a Great Birthday Party on a Budget: Tips and Tools (Free Printable)

Planning a Great Birthday Party on a Budget: Tips and Tools (Free Printable)

One of the most fun yet stressful tasks for any party planner is to plan a birthday party. Whether it’s your child or a friend, you want that person to have an incredible day full of laughter and happiness. But with all the expenses these days – from food to decorations, presents, and more –…

9 Budget-Friendly Ways To Stay Healthy This Summer You Can Do
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9 Budget-Friendly Ways To Stay Healthy This Summer You Can Do

Let’s talk about getting healthy for summer and nine frugal ways to stay healthy that you can start doing today regardless of the season. With everything going on in the world today, it is still very important to start getting healthy for the summer. Stay healthy and making the right choices doesn’t have to cost…

Emergency Fund (Why you should have one)
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Emergency Fund (Why you should have one)

Let’s talk emergency fund for a minute today. Do you have an emergency fund?  Do you know what an emergency fund is? Why is having an emergency fund so important? There are so many questions about emergency funds, and not many people don’t either have one or don’t know why having one is important. Why…


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8 Painless Ways to Reduce the Cost of Formula
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8 Painless Ways to Reduce the Cost of Formula

“I don’t need to find ways to reduce the cost of formula,” said no parent out there. Did you know that the cost of baby formula for a year is estimated at $1642,50? The amount comes to about $31.50 a week for baby formula to feed your child. So I know that trying to find…

Instant Pot Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Stock
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Instant Pot Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Stock

There are advantages if you make Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Stock. You save some money, you know it’s fresh and healthy, and you can make soups and other dishes with the stock. Whenever we have rotisserie chicken, I make sure I keep the leftover carcass. I always like making chicken stock from it. It is great…

Family’s Struggle With Being Frugal (7 Tips To Help You With Your Struggles)
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Family’s Struggle With Being Frugal (7 Tips To Help You With Your Struggles)

It’s so easy to say I’m changing my lifestyle and starting the frugal living adventure, right? But unfortunately, not everyone will be on board. Maybe your other family members are a bit confused and not as enthusiastic as you want them to be. Or maybe they decided to give frugal living a chance, and you…