Search Results for: save money

5 Tips To Know Before Becoming A Stay At Home Mom
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5 Tips To Know Before Becoming A Stay At Home Mom

Tips To Know Before Becoming A Stay At Home Mom Are you thinking of staying home with the kids? Before you do here are a few things you should know before you become a stay at home mom. When I decided that I wanted to leave the workforce and become a stay at home mom,…

3 Reasons to Help You Budget Without Struggling
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3 Reasons to Help You Budget Without Struggling

How can I budget without struggling? I can’t! It is not possible! These were my thoughts as I sat down one day years ago and began to create my budget for the first time. Things didn’t add up at all! I just couldn’t do this budget thing at all. Now your turn! You are financially…

6 Benefits of Joining Pampers Rewards
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6 Benefits of Joining Pampers Rewards

Do you love companies that reward you for using products you love?  I know that I do.  One company that has an awesome rewards program is Pampers. Pampers Rewards Program! I have a little cutie in diapers and have always loved the quality of Pampers diapers.  What could be better than getting rewarded for buying…

4 Reasons Why Being Frugal is the Best Thing You Can Do Right Now
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4 Reasons Why Being Frugal is the Best Thing You Can Do Right Now

When it comes to being frugal, there are a lot of misconceptions. People think being frugal means, you are cheap or can’t enjoy life. This is not true! Being frugal is about making intelligent decisions to live a better life with your money. We will discuss four reasons why being frugal is the best thing…

60+ Fun Ideas to Make an Extra $1000 This Month
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60+ Fun Ideas to Make an Extra $1000 This Month

Need to make an extra $1000 and not sure where to begin? Though it seems hard, it is possible, but it won’t be easy. To make that extra $1000 you are going to have to make a plan and execute. Believe me, when I say that I get it, I get that an extra $1000…