
Plantain Recipes: 10 Mouthwatering Recipes You Are Going to Love

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Plantains are a staple of Latin American cuisine and can be eaten as sweet or savory dishes. Plantains are often seen in stews, fried to make chips, added to soups, cooked with rice and beans, or mashed into desserts such as the famous Puerto Rican “mofongo.” Let's explore some delicious recipes that highlight this versatile fruit.

You may be asking yourself: “What is a plantain?” Plantains are a staple of Latin American cuisine and can be eaten as sweet or savory dishes.

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Plantains are often seen in stews, fried to make chips, added to soups, cooked with rice and beans, or mashed into dishes such as the famous Puerto Rican “mofongo.” Let's explore some delicious recipes that highlight this versatile fruit.

Plantain can be created in many ways by boiling, mashing, frying, grilling, or baking. Once you try it, you will fall in love with the flavor. Plantains are found in most of the USA in the produce section of the grocery store.

Collages of recipes with plantains

What are plantains?

Plantains are members of the banana family. Plantains are very starchy and are considered the main side dish in the Caribbean. Why are they so popular? Because they are ready to eat no matter their stage of growth.

You can enjoy plantain unripe or ripe, but they must be cooked unlike their cousins, bananas.

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Where can you find plantains?

You will find plantain in many Latin dishes and can be cooked ripe and green. When you cook plantain green (unripe), they are bland and starchy. The riper they get, the sweeter they taste. The darker the outer skin, the sweeter they are.

There are so many ways to cook plantains, and you will find tons of plantain recipes for all stages of the plantain online.

You will find recipes for green plantains, for ripe plantains, healthy recipes, not so, um, healthy recipe that tastes delicious. The point is that the recipes for plantains are endless!

How do you eat it

If you're not sure how to eat plantain, the easiest way is to peel the skin and then slice it up for eating. After that, you can fry, grill, roast, or bake plantains. To get the most from your plantain, look for soft and ripe ones but not too mushy.

One of the simplest ways to cook with plantains is by boiling. The first thing you want to do is peel the skin off the plantain.

Then, cut it into desired slices or cubes and put them in a pot of water. Once they have boiled for 10-15 minutes, strain them through a colander.

You can grill plantains by cutting off the ends and piercing them with a fork, which will make it easier to cook over an open flame. Then, place them on a grill until they are soft.

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Facts about Plantains

There are at least 300 different plantain and banana varieties and countries in the world. Some of the largest exporters of plantains include Mexico, Costa Rica, and Brazil. In every part of the world, plantains are delicious and affordable.

1. Plantain is a broad term for plants belonging to the family Musaceae (bananas). In general, the terms “plantain,” “banana,” and “cooking banana” can all be used interchangeably. Most varieties of bananas are inedible when raw, but plantains have a high starch content.

2. Plantains come in many varieties of sizes and colors, from green to yellow to black.

3. Plantain is known for its versatility in cooking: it can be baked, boiled, or fried. It's also great for sandwiches and desserts; sometimes, plantain cookies are referred to as ‘green bananas.'

4. Plantains are known to have up to 30% more calories than regular bananas, and they also contain a higher concentration of starch. The starch content makes it popular as an ingredient in Latin American cuisine, which is very common throughout the United States. In addition, their delicious taste pairs perfectly with chicken, beef, or pork and can be used in various ways.

5. When served fried, plantains taste similar to potatoes; if sweet plantains are eaten cooked, they taste like candy or mashed potatoes with brown sugar. In other Latin American countries, such as Cuba and Puerto Rico, sweet plantain is used in desserts and sweets like mofongo (mashed plantains with pork and chicken).

10 of the BEST Plantain Recipes


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