What Not to Buy During Summer Quarantine
This post may contain affiliate links which might earn us money. Please read my Disclosure and Privacy policies hereDue to the pandemic many of us are taking precaution with our spending and making sure we stay focus on our financial journey.
During this pandemic, there are 7 things you should not buy and take that money and invest it someplace else.
We are all about saving money and reducing our spending and if this crisis is affecting your finances, we recommend you look into your budget and finances and reduce your spending.
Let's talk reality for before we hit what not to buy during this summer season.
Quarantine is expected to last for longer than most people expected. As we move into the summer months, you need to think about how your spending may change.

7 Things You Should Never Buy During Summer Quarantine
While your family may usually spend money on season passes, vacations, and pool memberships, this year is going to be different. Let’s take a closer look at what not to buy during summer quarantine.
Day Camps / Summer Camps
Many families send their children to day or summer camp. In some states these services may still be available, but do you really feel safe sending your children?
Not sending your children is going to save you money. However, you need to consider what you’re going to do instead. Summer camp can be a big deal for kids.
It’s a time to meet new friends and spend time away from home. Have summer camp at home.
Set up a tent outside along with sleeping bags and camp in the back yard. It will be something different and fun.
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Pool and Gym Memberships
Even if gyms and pools are opening up in your area, many are opening at a limited capacity.
Not only will you be in an area that could lead to exposure, but you need to consider if you’ll even be able to utilize it.
With limited capacity, you may find yourself waiting more than actually using your membership. Do you really want to wait to work out or swim?
Season Passes to Theme Parks
Some theme parks are reopening in phases. If your family usually visits a theme park several times throughout the summer, this may not be the best year to do so.
As the world adjusts to the new normal, you might find that your experience is greatly affected. Hold off on those season passes this year.
You might be able to visit the park toward the end of summer, but quarantine will definitely affect theme parks this year.

Just mark that vacation off your list. Traveling to other states or even to the other side of the state may put your family at risk.
You may also have a negative experience because many things aren’t open. And, this probably goes without saying, but do not spend money on a cruise this year.
Just stay home and find new ways to enjoy being at home. Yes, you’ve been in quarantine for months, but safety should always be number one.
AAA Memberships
Obviously, if you’re not traveling, you can skip your AAA membership this year. It’s a great service if you’re traveling, but not so much if you’re stuck in quarantine.
See if you can downsize your membership and save money.
Tanning Salon Visits
Who needs a tan if you’re stuck at home? Also, who wants to lay in a bed that someone with the virus may have laid in?
While tanning salons are supposed to follow certain guidelines that doesn’t mean they do. If you simply must have a tan, get some spray tan and cross your fingers it doesn’t turn out streaky or make you look orange.
Manis and Pedis
First of all, nail salons are questionable to begin with. If proper sanitation procedures aren’t followed, you can end up with a nasty infection.
Add in the risk of contracting the virus and you’re better off painting those babies at home. Plus, you’ll save a ton of money.
When you started making plans for summer, you never dreamed that you’d still be in quarantine.
For many, summer won’t be the same this year. It won’t be spent at the pool or making memories at theme parks.
Even the summer vacation will have to wait until next year. What are you giving up during summer quarantine?
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